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⭐Order before 3 pm for same day⭐  postage. New summer mix releasing soon.



Please serve all our seed blends only as a treat....Think of them like a box of chocolates for your bird!


  Our first Parrot was an Eclectus. Her name was Rosie. We bought her in 2017 and she brought us a lot of joy. As Rosie grew, she developed terrible health issues, she lost all the feathers on her head. Her feathers after her first molt grew but never opened, they just broke off. We took her to many veterinarians but they were unable to give us answers for her poor health.

  We were beating ourselves up about her diet and started to research all sorts of foods that were beneficial in helping with her condition, in the hope of making her well again. We started Rosie on a mostly organic fruit and vegetable diet. We made breakfast cubes from raw vegetables and buckwheat, and dinner cubes from brown rice and vegetables. Rosie came to expect a dinner every evening at 6.30 pm and if you dared to offer it at 6.31 pm she would growl at you. As time went on, nothing seemed to be making difference to her health.

  Rosie's condition was worsening. She was never able to fly. She had stiff foot joints and had trouble gripping her perch. We searched for the most qualified avian vet in the country and he was unable to diagnose her problems. He advised us to put her down but we refused to give up on her. We brought her home. On X-ray, they discovered that her neck and wings were fused and this was put down to bad breeding. 

  We lost Rosie on 11th May 2020 and we are devastated, but the principles of her good diet live on for us. We now have Saffron and we want to ensure she eats healthy food.  We created our blends, one of which is called "Untidy mix". As a result of this we decided to start our own hand blended small batch mixes, hoping many Eclectus (and other parrots) will also benefit.

  Our sprouting mix is named after Rosie as this was her absolute favourite snack.



We have made an effort to select the best ingredients. We choose organic ingredients where it is available. Our blends don't contain sunflower seeds or peanuts (as these are not great for Eclectus). We figured that if it's good for an Eclectus parrot, it goes without saying that it would be good for other species of parrot as well.


At this stage, we are only able to ship to the
United Kingdom


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