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Rosie's Sprout Mix

This delicious easy to sprout all-organic mix of pea seeds, mung beans, barley, and lentils should come with a warning "You might be tempted to sprinkle this on your salad", just be aware that if you do, your parrot might be having words with you about that. The treasure in this blend is the milk thistle. 

Rosie's Sprout Mix

SKU: 0003
  • According to, Sprouting provides  vitamins that birds need on a daily basis. Sprouts are of the highest nutrition, they promote self healing and excellent feather quality as well as improves their behaviours. Sprouts are a rich source of vitamin A (beta carotene), C, E, B and antioxidants. Sprouts are 10 to 100% higher in enzymes than fruit and veggies. Enzymes are vital for sustaining life and are essential for digestion brain proper brain function.

    With this information at hand we have shared with you the sprout mix which we fed our first bird Rosie, and we still feed our new bird Saffron. Still they will be always know as Rosie's sprouts in our house.


    One 480g bag of dry product should make approximately just over 7 cups of grown sprouts.


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